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ITC obtained the software copyright registration certificate.
date: 2019- 09- 16 

Information technology campany obtained the software copyright registration certificate issued by the National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China for the "CICloud3 Microservice Application Development Common Platform". This platform provides a complete set of solutions for the development, deployment, integration, operation and monitoring of microservice applications, including PAAS cloud deployment and management, DevOps automated continuous deployment and continuous integration management, and microservice development kits and management. The platform finally realized the unified development platform, the micro-service operation support platform and the general technical service supporting the middle platform. At present, the platform supports the stable operation of the information technology company integration platform, CNCDC's human capital performance system, China Coal Group's science and technology innovation management information system and the China Coal E-Commerce system. (Information Technology Company)

All Rights Reserved :China National Coal Development Co., Ltd.

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